• Members, guests and visitors are reminded that an acceptable standard of
behaviour is expected in all areas of the Club and Course at all times.
• The Club expects members, guests and visitors to treat other members, guests,
visitors and all staff with due respect
• Good behaviour, sportsmanship and fair play should be paramount in every
golfers thinking.
• For further guidance on etiquette and the R&A Rules, visit England Golf.


• All payments for Club membership must be up to date and paid in full
by 30th June in order to play in the Scratch competition.
• Any member behind with payment will have their membership
suspended until such time as the payments are brought up to date


• All members are referred to the Competitions rules as placed on the
noticeboard in the Pro Shop. Download a copy here.
• Consult the noticeboard for details of the day’s competition : Format, entry
fee, competition tee, preferred lies etc
• Suspended members cannot enter competitions.


• Appropriate golf attire must be worn at all times.
For example - Sports shorts, jeans, jogging trousers and football tops are not appropriate.
• Greenkeeping staff have priority on the course.
• DO: Arrive on time at the starting tee for your tee time.
• DO: Avoid slow play – keep up with the group in front.
• DO: If in doubt, play a provisional ball.
• DO: Read the scorecard for the local rules.
• DO: Repair pitch marks, replace divots, smooth & rake bunkers.


• Do not wear golf shoes, waterproofs or hats in the Clubhouse.
• Appreciate that at times it can be busy and so patience is required
• Be aware that juniors golfers or visitors may be present in the
Clubhouse and therefore language should not be offensive or abusive.


Hart Common has adopted England Golf’s Disciplinary Regulations.
Any complaint must be made in writing and sent to the Club secretary

a. AGM date should be forwarded by email and posted on the notice board with a minimum of 28 day’s notice, with a defined closing date for proposals.
b. Proposals should be submitted to the Secretary within 14 days of the AGM notice.
c. Proposals should be issued to all members by email and on the notice board at least 7 days prior to the AGM.
d. For a proposal to be valid it should be seconded by another member either via email, prior to the meeting, or on the night of the meeting.
e. Members should be able to vote on all the listed proposals in absentia in writing to the Secretary. Apologies should also be given
f. Members can also vote by proxy, via another member who is attending the meeting, by giving written notice to the Secretary, a record will need to be available on the night of individual members who carry more than one vote. Apologies should also be given.
g. At the meeting any member may choose to offer an amendment to a proposal which should be put to the vote of the people in attendance for the amendment to be passed. Votes in absentia, on the original proposal, will still be counted irrespective of the proposed amendment.
h. We would suggest the members who are in attendance or who have posted a vote, on any of the proposals, to the secretary make up a quorum i.e they do not need to vote on every proposal but by voting on one they have read all proposals and are therefore deemed to be in attendance and proposals being deemed passed by the membership.

The R&A has released a new ‘Quick Guide to the Rules of Golf’ to help beginner golfers become familiar with the basics of the rules. The video covers 16 key themes including what to do before starting your round, understanding the different areas of the course, and how to proceed when you can’t play the ball as it lies.